October 28, 2013

Princess Bedroom Ideas (+ DIY Canopy Tutorial)

Who doesn't want a princess room? 

My cousin recently bought a home so I eagerly volunteered to help with paint colors and room decor for the kids' spaces. My 4-yr old niece is all about the Disney princesses and more importantly the BRIGHT and not always coordinating colors that come with them. I started by creating an inspiration board on Pinterest. It proved very helpful as we went back and forth about colors, fabrics, decor, etc. The previous homeowners are downsizing, so my cousin scored an amazing bedroom set with the house. It is off white with a blue/green wash.

Around the Room:

I stumbled up on this adorable bedding by Snurk, a Dutch company, that makes beautiful stuff. I needed the princess graphic to center on full size duvet, so I contacted the company and request a special one be printed. Great service and the duvet is beautiful! 
Snurk Princess Duvet
The colors we chose are a much more muted palate that Disney Princesses general dictate. I'm not saying that there won't be a princess presence, they just won't be taking up an entire wall or four. :)  To highlight the furniture, I recommended Love and Wickham Gray both by Benjamin Moore. Wickham Gray might be a tad too light on the walls, but I think it will suit the final project beautifully.

Canopy Tutorial:

A princess room is not complete without a canopy! Other projects posted as we get to them...but for now, here's the how to.

Embroidery Hoop - I used a 10" one
Ribbon, fishing line, or strips of Tulle - about 8-12" depending on ceiling height
Tulle (or light weight curtains) - I used 6 yards, but probably could have done it with 5

1. Cut Tulle into 2 equal pieces
2. Sew 1" casing on one edge of tulle (skip this if you have a pre made curtain)
3. Slide outer hoop through casing
4. Tie ribbon, fishing line, or tulle onto inner hoop in 3 or 4 equally spaced spots around the hoop.
5. Place inner hoop in outer hoop and tighten  (make sure fabric is equally distributed around hoop with opening on the side opposite of the outer hoop's screw.
6. Embellish outer hoop with trim if you wish. I fabric glued some sequins to it. You could cut out a piece to look like a felt crown or use nothing at all.
7. Suspend from ceiling using ceiling hook.